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Grants & Donations
Thank you to our donors ...The Whyalla Men's Shed would not be where it is today without the generosity of our donors over the few years since inception. Support includes donations of cash and goods, grants, discounts and in kind support.
WISE Employment Whyalla
Whyalla City Council
Whyalla City Council
Phil Hoskin
Beyond Bank
Rowan Ramsey MP
Eddie Hughes MP
BOS - Whyalla
Steven Samu
BIS - Whyalla
Frank Ludewig
Photocopier, computer monitors & assorted peripherals
Cash grant to enable purchase & install of storage shipping container for storge of surplus materials
Cash grant towards Whyalla Men's Shed Muster, October 18
Cash donation towards staging the Whyalla Men's Shed Muster, October 18
Gift basket for Muster raffle; miscellaneous items for Muster 'showbags'
Cash donation & note pads for Muster showbag
Cash donation towards Muster; miscellaneous items for Muster 'showbags'
PPE - Safety glasses, Dust masks
Filter coffee machine + coffee; boombox
Second hand desktop PCs & Laptops
Assorted surplus second hand solid wood cabinet doors, door knobs and euro hinges. Multiple packs of new & surplus floating timber and vinyl flooring
Stan Babidge
Huon pine & other off-cuts
Paul Brown
Assorted timber offcuts
Solomons Carpets
Assorted vinyl flooring samples
South Australian Men's Sheds Association
Dr Ferdus Alam
SA Government, Premiers Community Initiatives Fund, 2016-17
Gazebo, fencing, materials for display cabinet and pergolas, machine upgrades, shop vacs., timber for outdoor furniture, pizza oven, electrical upgrades, materials for honour board, android tablet
Safety glasses
In Our Hands Volunteer Centre
Health promotion activities
Australian Men's Sheds Association
Delprat Test and Tag Appliance Tester
Australian Men's Sheds Association
Worksharp 3000 tool sharpener
Shed Amenities
Donation of stain / varnish samples
Volunteer Support Fund
First Aid Training
Govt. of SA, Office for Volunteers
Test & Tag Training
Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation
Fire Safety Equipment
Santos, Whyalla
Metal Shop equipment & upgrades
Whyalla Young Tradies & Professionals
Carpets and Ceiling replacement
Medibank Community Fund
Donation of stain / varnish samples
Volunteer Support Fund
Contribution to Outdoor Recreation Area and Garden
Whyalla City Council
Contribution to Shed Opening Day
Whyalla City Council
Contribution to disabled toilet
Australian Men's Sheds Association
Woodshop machinery
FAHCSIA Volunteer grants
Kitchen fitout, BBQ, small tools/machinery & workshop accessories